Youth Softball Information

Softball Information

 If you have questions, please contact Matt at

Edwardsville Parks and Rec offers summer baseball, softball and t-ball programs that begin games around Memorial Day. 

Games begin after Memorial Day and are played on Mondays, Wednesdays and possibly on every other Friday.

Edwardsville Parks and Rec offers recreational leagues for the following softball age groups:

    -U8 Coach Pitch     For ages 8 and Under (as of June 1 of the same year)
    -U10 Kid Pitch        For ages 10 and Under (as of June 1 of the same year)
    -U12                         For ages 12 and Under (as of June 1 of the same year)
    -U15                         For ages 15 and Under (as of June 1 of the same year)

Youth Sports Currently Registering

2025 Youth Soccer - 2025 Spring


Edwardsville Strikers Soccer - Pre-K/Kindergarten


Edwardsville's Pre-K/Kindergarten Soccer program is our next step in introducing the game of soccer to kids at a young age. This will include learning the basic skills and introducing the basic rules/concepts of the game.  The program has separate practice and game days.  All practices and games are led by volunteer coaches.  Jerseys are included. Players from the Fall season will use their same jersey in the Spring season. Teammate requests are accepted!

Practices begin March 29th

Games being April 12th (No games 4/20)

Registration Fee: $55 ($10 late fee after 3/9)


Edwardsville Strikers Soccer - 1st-6th Grade 


Edwardsville's 1st-6th Grade Soccer program focuses on working to improve both technical (individual) and tactical (team) soccer skills, and knowledge of the game.  We form teams that are coached by volunteers. Jerseys are included. Players from the Spring season will use their same jerseys in the Fall. Teammate requests are accepted!

Practices begin March 29th

Games being April 12th (No games 4/20)

Registration Fee: $55 ($10 late fee after 3/9)

2025 Blast Soccer (3 years old) - 2025 Spring


Edwardsville's Preschool Soccer Program provides a safe and fun environment for children to become engaged with the sport of soccer in an age-appropriate setting.  Participants will be introduced to the basic skills and rules of soccer through fun games and drills led by Edwardsville volunteer coaches.


The program does not play real scrimmages at this age but rather focuses on basic skills and soccer themed activities.  Parent involvement is required(at least in the beginning), to help with certain drills and attentiveness. Jerseys are included.


Sessions will be 9-9:45 AM and 10-10:45 AM on Saturdays starting April 5th and ending May 17th(No practice on 4/19)

Registration fee: $35 ($10 late fee after 3/9)

2025 Spring Break Sports Camp - 2025 Spring


Keep your kids busy this Spring Break with Edwardsville's Spring Break Sports Camp!  

Skill developmentCampers focus on developing skills and fundamentals for each sport

Game playCampers play games that are fun and engaging

TeamworkCampers learn the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship

SafetyCampers are separated into groups based on age, size, and skill level to ensure a safe environment

When: March 17th - March 20th

Kindergarten-2nd grade 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM 

3rd-6th grade 1-4 PM

Where: Edwardsville Elementary gymnasium

Registration fee: $45